The Bible contains teachings that uphold the sanctity of life and condemn any act of violence or harm against the innocent. Murdering the innocent goes against God’s commandments and His heart for justice, mercy, and compassion. Throughout Scripture, we find verses that denounce such atrocities and call for righteousness, protection, and advocacy for those who are vulnerable. Let’s explore twenty Bible verses that address the sin of murdering the innocent and highlight God’s justice and compassion for those who suffer unjustly.
Proverbs 6:16-17
“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood…”
Psalm 106:38
“They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood.”
Isaiah 1:15
“When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood!”
Proverbs 28:17
“Anyone tormented by the guilt of murder will seek refuge in the grave; let no one hold them back.”
Exodus 23:7
“Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty.”
Jeremiah 22:3
“This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place.”
Proverbs 28:9
“If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable.”
Psalm 94:21
“They band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.”
Proverbs 24:11-12
“Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?”
Isaiah 59:7
“Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood. They pursue evil schemes; acts of violence mark their ways.”
Deuteronomy 19:10
“Do this so that innocent blood will not be shed in your land, which the Lord your God is giving you as your inheritance, and so that you will not be guilty of bloodshed.”
Proverbs 31:8-9
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
Ezekiel 13:19
“You have profaned me among my people for a few handfuls of barley and scraps of bread. By lying to my people, who listen to lies, you have killed those who should not have died and have spared those who should not live.”
Psalm 10:8-9
“He lies in wait near the villages; from ambush he murders the innocent. His eyes watch in secret for his victims; like a lion in cover he lies in wait. He lies in wait to catch the helpless; he catches the helpless and drags them off in his net.”
Isaiah 59:15
“Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice.”
Matthew 18:6
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
Proverbs 17:15
“Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— the Lord detests them both.”
Isaiah 59:3
“For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers with guilt. Your lips have spoken falsely, and your tongue mutters wicked things.”
Matthew 27:4
“I have sinned,’ he said, ‘for I have betrayed innocent blood.’ ‘What is that to us?’ they replied. ‘That’s your responsibility.'”
Jeremiah 7:6
“If you do not oppress the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow and do not shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not follow other gods to your own harm…”
Conclusion: These verses underscore the seriousness of murdering the innocent in God’s eyes and call for justice, mercy, and righteousness. As followers of God, we are called to stand against all forms of violence and injustice, advocating for the rights and protection of the vulnerable. Let us seek to uphold the sanctity of life and emulate God’s compassion and love for all His creation, striving to bring healing, restoration, and reconciliation to a broken world.
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