Prayer For Divine Healing

In prayer, father, I ask your divine healing touch. I place my burdens, pain, and ailments at your feet, knowing that you are capable of bringing healing and wholeness to every area of my existence.

Lord, I pray that your healing power will flow through me, mend what is broken and restore what has been lost. Touch me with your kind hands and alleviate my pain. Pour out your precious blood on me, comforting and renewing me.

I believe in your sovereignty and your perfect timing, Father. I submit to your will because I know you work all things together for good. Allow me to have patience and faith while I travel the path of healing, and please remind me that you are with me every step of the way.

Lord, I also need emotional and spiritual healing for any scars or burdens on my heart. Please restore my innermost being with comfort, calm, and restoration. Fill me with your love and joy, and assist me in letting go of any bitterness, resentment, or unforgiveness that is impeding my healing.

Thank you for your commitment and compassion, Father. I put my trust in you, knowing that you are capable of exceeding everything that I can ask or dream. “On the cross, he bore our sins in his body, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness.” “You have been healed through his wounds” (1 Peter 2:24).

I devote all credit, honor, and glory to you, Father. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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